Application & Approvals from Central Government / RD/ROC etc under Companies Act

  • Increase in number of Directors
  • Office or Place of Profit
  • Appointment / remuneration / waiver of remuneration of Managerial Personnel
  • Declaration of dividend out of reserves
  • Removal of Directors
  • Condonation of delay in filing of forms with MCA
  • Relief in case of oppression and mismanagement
  • Shifting of registered office from one state to another
  • Condonation of delay in filing forms for creation/modification/satisfaction of charge
  • Issue of Shares at discount
  • Extension of time for not issuing debenture certificate within 3 months
  • Rectification of name
  • Contracts in which Directors and/or their relatives are interested
  • Licenses for incorporation of section 8 company
  • Removal of Auditors before expiry of term
  • Shifting of registered office from jurisdiction of one ROC to another
  • Compounding of Offence
  • Change of name/ object clause
  • Conversion of Public company to Private and vice versa
  • Extension of time for holding AGM
  • Change and extension of financial year
  • Revalidation of Transfer Deed
  • Commencement of new business not germane to main object
  • Declaration of a company as defunct company
  • Certificate of commencement of business by public companies
  • Other Applications
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Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail.

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